
London and her partner in crime....

Here are some pics from this past week. We got to spend some time with London's cousins Bo Nash and Sadie Jo. It was fun!! The boys ADORE London. They just cant get enough of her. Its so fun to see how London reacts to the boys. She thinks they are pretty funny!! 

This is London's partner in crime... Sadie jo! They are 4 months apart!!
Hanging out with the boys.... 
London and Bo having some snuggle time!! 
My kid looks so big next to sadie... sadie 7 lbs London 16 lbs.. haha 
London LOVES her LOVE BEAR that Grandma Jo gave her. She snuggles with this bear all the time its so cute!!!
Mommy and London at a wedding daddy was D.J ing
Daddy and London just hanging out!! I just cant get enough of these two! These two are the loves of my life!! I LOVE waking up to them they just put a smile on my face!!!


Jamie said...

hey heidi! i just saw your comment. yes, we are still house hunting...it's no fun and yes, so stressful! we have an offer in on one home right now. hopefully we will hear soon. good luck to you guys...where are you looking? these pictures are so darling! i can't believe how big she is getting! it's crazy how fast they grow. glad you guys are doing so well!

Reid, Megan, Jackson and Aiva said...

how cute!

TEISHA said...

I just had to tell you your little girl is adorbale!!! She is beautiful!

Kristin said...

Can I just say HOW CUTE YOU ARE!!! Oh and LONDON is adorable!