Yesterday was a sad sad sad DAY at the Wing house!!!
Here is the story why!!! (LONG story...)
The pound opened at 9 am. We were there at 855. Marcus went in came out with NO LADY and the saddest look on his face!!! My heart sank. I thought there is no way we are ever going to find lady!!! We started to call ALL the animal shelters around. NOTHING! We came home so bummed. Marcus got on KSL and looked under the Lost and Found section and saw...
So he called. He told this women what Lady looks like white all over with brown bum black collar and stitches on her tummy from getting fixed... quite for a sec... You have our dog. Thats her!!! Oh my gosh you have our dog. Is what Marcus started to say with the BIGGEST smile on his face!! Where are you at?? RIVERTON!! RIVERTON??? We got in the car and went to pick her up!!
I have NEVER seen marcus drive so fast. As we drove we were talking to trying to not get out hopes up. Just in case it was not Lady. We pulled up and saw Lady through the Window. Marcus RAN, left the car running!! Yelled to me get London. When we saw lady she came running and we knew it was our puppy! She gave us all kisses and we just started to playing with her. London was yelling... LADY MOMMMY LADY!!!! She found!!! We are all so glad that we had found her. It made our day!!!!
This is the interesting part........
We started talking to this Lady named, Sally. 1st off She Said some other lady had called saying it was her dog. But when she explained what the dog looked like it was a little off!!! So we asked her how she ended up with lady. She said some lady found her in draper (by our house) and took her to a vet in murray to see if she had been chipped, (no chip) The lady left her there. So a lady at the vet place took her home (in Murray) and called her daughter. Her daughter came and got lady and took her home. ( her daughter was sally and sally works at a groomers in riverton) Sally kept lady all night. fed her. Played with her. Tried to make her feel at home. Sally placed an add on ksl that night and hopped to find the owners. The next morning is when Marcus saw the add! We are so glad lady is home!!!!
Lady must of not slept all night. Ever sense we have had her home she has been so mellow and slept most of the day!! We went and got lady a dog tag today so we dont ever have to go through this again!!! We sure missed her for the 24 hrs she was gone!!!
(i hope this makes sense!!)
WOW such a crazy story!! I bet you went from such a very low to being the happiest!! crazy crazy. You should really look into the chips, My sis has gotten them with all her dogs and it has saved her dog twice now. So happy Lady is safe back home!
do not chip anything, it is too much, tank you...
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