
8 MoNtHs!!

Another month has gone by Lolo
You are ever so happy ever so big and ever so smiley
It has been so exciting to see you try and figure out crawling... You have not figured it out but you are almost there!!
You LOVE it when i sing, play and tickle you!
Your smile melts your daddy and mommy's heart!!
Your dad and I always say... " How did she get so big" and " You are so dang cute"
Your LOVE LOVE LOVE eating puffs, yogurt, cheerios, drink juice...and anything else we give you off our plates!
Your hair is coming in so good!! Its going to be fun to start doing it every morning!!
You LOVE to go swimming everyday, you sit back and relax and float around in your floaty and you could do it all day!! You kick, splash, and laugh all day!!

We love you so much baby girl!! You make your mommy and  daddy so happy!!

Keep on growing sugs!!
Love mommy and daddy!!


Texas Welch's said...

I wish Paige would sit in a floaty!!! Every time we even have one near her she screams her head off. I do not understand the fear.

Lisa and Oliver said...

Oh my gosh Jo, she is so big! We need to get togther soon! Before she is 1 :)

jas and aubs said...

I can't believe how big she is getting!! I wish we could get together more she looks so different everytime I see you guys!! Lisa's right we need to get together asap!! miss ya!!

Megan Andersen said...

Oh she is so sweet! Yes, her smile melts my heart too!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Heidi- I sent you an email but not sure if you got it. I'm going to put in a scentsy order in within the next couple days if you still need some stuff. (I can order whenever though.) Let me know if you still want to order :)


Heidi said...

No way. She isn't eight months! This seems unreal. Time goes so fast... she is so stinkin' cute (as if you need another person to tell you what you already know)!